21 October 2011

Rencana : A Land Of Opportunity, and this Einstein knows it

New Straits Times
9th October 2010

KUALA LUMPUR : Youth skills must be developed at an early stage. This way, the young can contribute effectively to nation-building, said CLive Einstein Naga, 22, a Sarawak-born entreprenuer studying computer science at Universiti Malaya.
Naga is working on a project to expose young people in Sabah and Sarawak to similar opportunities that he received as a student and budding entreprenuer in Kuala Lumpur.
"We have so many talented youth out there. I want them to have a platform to perform, to shine and highlight their potential."
Though still in the early stages, he said the plan was to gather youth leaders in both states to implement projects that could promotes Sabah's and Sarawak's unique cultures.
It is also aimed at guiding aspiring young minds who wish to make their mark in business, youth events and similar ventures.
Naga first cultivated his interest in business and entrepreneurship by reading business books and looking free seminars to attend in newspapers so he could network and meet with like-minded people.
"I sed to read books for free at MPH as I couldn't afford them."
Later, at Universiti Malaya, he became actively involved in Students Free Enterprise (SIFE), where he was exposed to various sectors involving aquaculture, plastics, meat and even leeches. 
One of his main projects within SIFE now is Leech Miracle, a leech therapy service, in which he serves as its Chief Executive Officer.

Recently, his team successfully struck a deal with Mehdi Jaffari a leech therapy expert based in Australia dan New Zealand, to conduct a leech therapy courses in Malaysia.
"The course is important to raise our standards, give sense of credibility to this field and promote benefits of leech therapy.
"Leeches have many benefits in the medical field and are recognized worldwide but this is relatively new industry here."
Naga said young people should realise that success and opportunities were always available, regardless of their choosen field.
"Whatever you're interested in, be it aquaculture, hip hop dance or drama, everything has value and it's up to you to make it happen.
"In the movies, people say America is the land of opportunity. The same true here. Sometimes, it's not about the syste; it really boils down to ourselves."

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